This is from our Temple literature: The Signs and "near death" experiences. There are two ways to see the Signs. One is by Communing with Yahweh, the Psychedelic, in this physical life. The other is to physically die, or to come near to physical death. And since everyone is going to physically die, everyone is eventually going to come to know the Truth. As the Koran says, (Surah III, 55): "(and remember) when Allah said: O Jesus! Lo! I am gathering thee and causing thee to ascend unto Me, and am cleansing thee of those who disbelieve and am setting those who follow thee above those who disbelieve until the Day of Resurrection. Then unto Me ye will (all) return, and I shall judge between you as to that wherein ye used to differ." People who have had "near death" experiences reported seeing a "Light of indescribable brilliance" which did not hurt their eyes. They also said that the Light was clearly a Being which then Communicated with them. Some of the things that these people said that the Light said to them were: "Are you ready to die?" "What have you done with your life to show Me?"; "What have you done with your life that is sufficient?"; "Is it worth it?". We have been Shown very clearly by Yahweh, the Psychedelic, the Being of Light, that physical death is not the way to end suffering, and that violence and anger is Condemned. Committing suicide does not end suffering and only leads to Condemnation and rebirth physically. People who have had near death experiences from attempting suicide have all reported that it didn't bring them anything but more suffering. As one person said: "If you leave here a tormented soul, you will be a tormented soul over there too." That is, they found that the problems they had attempted suicide to escape were still there when they "died", but were worse. In the death state they were unable to do anything about their problems, and they also had to see the suffering they caused to others from their act. A man who was depressed about the death of his wife shot himself, "died", and was revived. He said: "I didn't go where (my wife) was, I went to an awful place...I immediately saw the mistake I had made...I thought, "I wish I hadn't done it." Others who went to this unpleasant place said that they had the feeling they would be there for a long time, and that this was the penalty for "breaking the rules". Some people who had "died" of causes other than suicide said that while they were "dead" they were Shown that suicide was a very wrong act for which there was a severe punishment. One person who had a near-death experience after an accident said: "(While I was dead) I got the feeling that two things it was completely forbidden for me to do would be to kill myself or to kill another person..." (from "Life after Life" by Raymond Moody).