The First Epistle of Saint John
Chapter 2, verse 26
I am writing to you in this way about those who would deceive you,
but the Oil you received from him remains within you,
and you really need no teaching from anyone;
simply remain in him,
for his Oil Teaches you about everything
and is true and is no lie--
remain in him as his Oil has taught you to do.
Chapter 1, verse 5
This is what we have heard from him,
and the message that we are announcing to you:
God is Light;
there is no darkness in Them at all.
If we say that we are in union with God
while we are living in darkness,
we are lying because we are not living the truth.
But if we live our lives in the Light,
as he is in the Light,
we are in union with one another.
Chapter 2, verse 9
Anyone who claims to be in the Light,
but hates,
is still in the dark.
But anyone who loves is living in the Light
and need not be afraid of stumbling;
unlike the person who hates and is in the darkness,
not knowing where they are going,
because it is too dark to see.